Ursa Minor Brewing

Season: Indoor, Summer, Winter | Activity: Day Trips
The brewery is currently closed until May Long weekend 2022.

Our journey began with a dream to move back to our family farm. Taking Nathan’s lifetime of homebrewing experience and culinary training and coupling it with Gwyn’s business experience and a shared love of growing things, we embarked on renovating an old farm building into a state of the art brew house and tasting room. Just before the wildfires of 2018 broke out. After a long struggle involving evacuations, injured contractors, and bureaucratic red tape, we finally opened our doors in June of 2020. Our vision has always been to create flavours in our beer that reflect our local area and culture.

Our desire is for our farm to integrate with our brewery in a permaculture system where our crops contribute to our beer and our brewery contribute to our farm. We accomplish this by adding farm grown, locally sourced, and wild crafted botanicals to our brew. So far raspberries, rhubarb, haskap, and juniper are big hits. Cottonwood buds not so much!
Our farm animals dine on spent grains from the brewing process. The hops and yeast slurry are composted for the garden. Our goal is to be a substantial part of our local community where neighbours meet and visitors come for the first time but not the last.


45261 Ootsa Lake Road East Burns Lake, Ootsa Lake, BC V0J 1E4

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