Pinkut Fisheries Recreation Site
Season: Summer | Activity: Camping, Fishing, Rec Sites, Rock Hunting
Also known as Babine Lake Marine Provincial Park Pinkut Creek site, this Recreation Site provides anchorage, scenic views, beaches, and creeks. This location gives you access to fishing on Babine lake, which is home to rainbow trout, ling cod, dolly varden, lake trout (char), sockeye salmon (fall spawning run), and several other minor species. The beaches surrounding this area contain agate, jasper, obsidian, chalcedony, quartz, calcite, and petrified wood, making it an excellent spot to spend time hunting for the perfect rock for your collection.
Directions: From Burns Lake, head north on Babine Lake Road. Follow Babine Lake Road past Pinkut Lake towards Donaldson Landing until you reach the Pinkut Fisheries Campgrounds.
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